Support Groups

Support Groups

Support Groups

Please check the current calendar for days and times. All meetings are one hour. Attendance can be in-person or virtual, online or by telephone.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) (every other week)
For those living with Depression and Bipolar disorders.

Diabetes Support (weekly)
All aspects of Type II Diabetes, the disease process, its effect on the body, and the emotional aspects will be explored. Promotes healthy eating and lifestyles.

Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) (twice a week)
For those living with both mental illness and substance use disorders.

Feelings First (weekly)
Develop a better understanding of emotions, including anger awareness and those associated with grief and loss. Working toward expressing emotions in a healthy way.

Men’s 360 (weekly)
Conversations range from mental wellness and self- care to coping strategies to how to be more assertive, boost self-esteem, and be more positive.
Safe Zone: A Gay/Straight Alliance (weekly)
Innovative approach to creating an inclusive, safe, welcoming environment for all members, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Schizophrenia Alliance (every other week)
For those living with schizophrenia and related disorders.

Stress Busters (every 2nd and 4th week)
Explore different methods for overcoming and living with stress.

Living Well (weekly)
Learn basic recovery activities, coping skills, and living skills as part of a daily routine. Learn about community resources available to promote wellness and recovery.

Uplifting Women (weekly)
Conversations range from mental wellness and self-care to coping strategies to how to be more assertive, boost self-esteem, and be more positive