Peer Support Story

Growing Stronger Everyday

Beverly's Shining Strength

Even before you see her, you can hear Beverly's beautiful voice coming down the hall at the Thomas M. Wernert Center. When you do see Beverly, she is usually wearing a smile that shines bright. “I have a lot to smile about,” she says, “We all do if we stop to really think about it.”

That's great advice coming from someone who was unsure if she would ever walk again after suffering from a severe stroke in August 2019. Since then, she works with a supportive care team to help build cognitive and physical abilities. Today, she continues to astonish those around her with physical and mental improvements.

No stranger to overcoming hardship, Beverly experienced patterns of abuse and abandonment at a young age. In order to escape reality and the anger she held on to, she developed some self-destructive habits that continued in to adulthood.

In the months following the stroke, relying on others for daily needs left her feeling more hopeless than ever. “I had to relearn the basics,” Beverly says. The recovery path after her stroke involved physical, occupational, and speech therapy.

Based on The recommendation of her counselor, Beverly joined TMWC. She credits some of her recent progresses to her time spent at TMWC. She enjoys contributing to support groups, and is in the process of completing her second PEP class. “Talking with others, and continuing counseling helps me keep control of my anger,” Beverly says.

Beverly spends many hours in the Eigensee Family Fitness Room working with Fitness Coordinator, Lindsay. “Beverly has found great success working with the SMARTfit machine,” Lindsay says. The programs on the SMARTfit work brain and body at the same time, building pathways stronger and helping to improve attention, memory, language, processing speed, executive function all while working on strength, balance and coordination.

“Whoever created that [SMARTfit], I could just kiss 'em!” Beverly exclaims. In the past two months, Beverly has experienced increased peripheral vision, a regain of muscle strength, and improved short-term memory. She continues to make strides improving her mental health, and focusing on all she has to smile about.

“Faith has gotten me through a lot,” she says. “It's the reason I'm here today.” The unconditional love of her two daughters and guidance of her ministry's spiritual leader, family and friends are all other reasons her smile is so bright.

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